Benefits Of Pennsylvania Court Reporting Services

| Saturday, June 4, 2011
By Celina Greene

Pennsylvania court reporting services have been used for many years. They usually involve a reporter typing the proceedings of the cases mentioned. These typed records could then be used by the judges as well as the lawyers to analyze the cases.

During the early days, there would be a secretary or clerk who would be responsible for recording everything said during the proceedings. It was not a very efficient way but it helped a great deal. Recording are important to both the prosecution and defense sides as they can provide crucial clues that can lead to a logical conclusion of the cases.

Non verbal communication has always been used by lawyers and the jury to determine which course they should take. It is fair to say that during proceedings, success or failure is determined mostly by the arguments brought forth. Non verbal communication may be ambiguous but has helped many lawyers to win their cases.

There are cases that attract the attention of the public and there is often very little that the court can do to prevent the public from getting to see the proceedings. With improved technology, proceedings can be streamed directly to homes via satellite, enabling people to follow what is going on.

Reference points in legal cases are very important. Due to judicial precedent, rarely would judges give a ruling that contradicts previous ruling. This is a good thing because it helps the lawyers to know what kind of strategy to use. Recordings can be very useful to this end.

In most cases, a lawyer can request the video clips of their own proceedings and assess himself on his performance. Most law firms use the recordings to determine the performance of their employees in the legal profession since they rarely accompany them for the assessment.

Teachers need to train lawyer students on how to behave well in court. Learning it through experience and by watching how it is done is the best way to educate. Through this, teachers can demonstrate the proper codes of ethics to their lawyer students.

There is no proper way to emphasize the importance of Pennsylvania court reporting services. Their benefits and uses to the legal fraternity are numerous especially with the coming of new technology. Both the defense and prosecution teams can use the services to determine what direction they should steer to. Read more about: Pennsylvania Court reporting Services

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