The Top 5 Clients/Patients You DON'T Want to Work With

| Thursday, August 11, 2011
By Kathy Jiamboi

Sometimes, no amount of "client/patient relationship management" will do the trick. You've bent over backwards, killed them with kindness, brought them the proverbial "apple" and nothing seems to work. Maybe they just aren't worth all that coddling. One of my mentors, Dan Kennedy, has a saying he uses frequently and it goes something like this-"If I wake up thinking about you three days in a row and I'm not sleeping with you, you have to go!" He uses this reference mainly when he is talking about employees but this could be applied to any relationship. If your clients or patients are consuming your thoughts, due to the inability to satisfy them, they are most likely also affecting your health, that of your employees, and the bottom line in your business.

Here are the Top 5 Client/Patient Profiles You Should Avoid at All Costs and be sure to keep your current clients/patients in mind while reading:

The Nasty One- This patient/client is just plain mean. Everyone has an off day once and a while, and perhaps your client/patient is just stressed. If that's the case, your client should be able to provide you with a heartfelt apology. But, if you soon learn that your client is always that rude, it's a clear sign that they are not the client/patient for you. It's just not fair to treat people that way. A client like this can cause you and your employees distraught feelings, and that's no good for business.

The Nitpicker- There is nothing that seems to satisfy the Nitpicker. They are chronic complainers. They make constant changes to what they originally agreed to. They're overly demanding and expect you to drop everything to take care of their needs. They will pick apart your invoices bit by bit, even though they knew in advance the costs involved. Another high stress level client. Bu-Bye.

The Time Sucker- This client seems to think that your employees have endless time to sit around and listen to their latest great idea or gossip about "Brand XYZ." They schedule times to talk to you, but always seem to cancel them. They are constantly calling with a new request or need. Time is money. There are 24 hours in each and every day. Each minute wasted converts to dollars lost. These types of patients/clients must be stopped.

The Slow Payer- If you have a client/patient that constantly pays their bills slow, they could be affecting your business more than you know. Of course, you typically can't find out about The Slow Payer until after you do business with them. However, once you know their antics you will realize that they must either pay in advance or find somewhere else for the product/service you provide.

The Bargain Shopper- You will find that The Bargain Shopper, in comparison with The Time Sucker, also wastes copious amounts of your time. You will spend time quoting them on a product/service, only for them to turn to someone else who can "beat your price," which is followed by the client expecting you to follow suit and lower your quote. They may not ever have any intention of doing business with you at all, they just want to use you to start the bidding process. If they do choose to go with you, there's a slight chance you'll make money, but probably not since you've lowered your prices so much. These clients/patients are not necessary for your businesses to be successful. Barely any business find success on the lowest price model. See ya later!

Of course, there are other less severe types of clients or patients that may not be a good fit for your business. No business can be everything to everyone, nor should it be. By avoiding and/or firing at least these Top 5, you will be in a much stronger position and give your business the room to grow with the right client or patient.

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