How Crescent Processing Company is Usually Doubted and Misjudged

| Friday, November 4, 2011
By Esther Quintero

There are no proper payments given to the sales agents working for Crescent Processing Company and this issue has been presented for some time now. According to some reports, the company either pays less than the expected amount or does not release payments on time. One must know how the company pays their employees and the agreements included, before accepting such claims.

First, when a person agrees to be an independent sales agent for the company, he or she receives a laptop. Different applications are included and ingested on the laptop and this has become a necessity for all sales agents. There should be a deposit of $300 to the company before actually being able to use the laptop.

You may choose to pay up the whole $300 or you may pay it little by little. It would be easier for the sales agents to choose the option of paying an amount of $25 that will be deducted from the first few sales. Therefore, the amounts of the 12 sales are always lacking with $25 as deposit partial payments.

Other agents would often disregard and forget this matter of the deal, and they would often question why their salaries are not on its exact amount. Another thing to know is that some agents would prefer not having the laptop. On the other hand, using the laptop will provide the businesses to trust the company more because of the security factors that comprises the applications on the laptop.

Another complaint that people say regarding the payment procedures of Crescent Processing Company is that the checks are not released on time. The payments usually arrive late and the sales agents are usually very disappointed. They are questioning why their checks do not arrive on time.

It is a given fact to ask why the company delays the due payments for the agents. What makes the company have late releasing of the dues that are supposed to be given to agents? We need to consider a lot of factors that affect this.

A commission is always given whenever the agent is able to close a sale. After the deals are closed and commissions have been generated, agents would usually expect a faster transaction for money transfers. Most of the agents are not aware that a few more time is required for the processing of the commissions earned.

A complete and full detail regarding processing of payments are done before the hiring on the independent sales agent. There is a time interval provided for the company to transact the deal for payments. If the client's account has finished it activation, then you may wait after 1 or 3 days for the processing to be completed.

The options for the deduction methods for the laptop are then misunderstood by a lot of agents even if this is also stressed out earlier. Because of such information, agents would usually complain their disappointment on Crescent Processing Company. Crescent Processing Company has their valid reasons and basis why the payments for commissions are delayed in such a manner.

Because some agents would create a negative image on Crescent Processing Company, they simply don't understand how the company abides to their own information and rules. Others seem to judge the company without knowing the side of the company. Learning about the process will prevent people from believing such complaints.

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