Moving Company Rates - Planning For Moving House

| Monday, December 5, 2011
By Geoff McAlister

If you have just purchased or are considering buying a new home, then you'll also have to plan the process of moving home. Although there are lots of things which you need to keep in mind, planning them in advance will make the whole move easier and less distressing. So it is a good idea that, once you know the completion date for your move, that you start planning.

There are certain things that take quite a bit of time and should be arranged at the least a month ahead of time. You'll wish to inform your landlord or any flatmates, if you have any, of the date which you are leaving. This can mean the difference between getting your deposit back or not, if you are renting, so it is a great idea to let everybody know your plans once you know them yourself.

You need to most likely also notify the gas and electricity companies of your new property that you are the new owner. In this way, it can avoid mix-ups down the road. This would also include contacting your telephone company and arranging to have your phone number transferred.

You are able to begin packing up your things or getting boxes together. You will find some things such as books and pictures that can be packed ahead of time and will save you trouble later on when the move gets nearer. You might want to book some time of work, particularly if you do not think you are going to be able to arrange the move in a weekend. Another great idea is to have a clearout and get rid of some old things that have been gathering dust. Actually, moving is the ideal chance to remove some of the belongings which build up through the years.

As the move gets closer, you should book the removal company and arrange for transit insurance if you determine you need it. You are able to tell the post office to redirect your mail and you may also notify the local authority of the change in address for council tax purposes.

You should make certain that all of your utility bills are paid up by the date of the move. You don't want the new owners to be bothering you for unpaid bills once you've moved and now is the time to make certain they are accurate. If you have services such as milk deliveries, newspaper deliveries and the like, you need to have these cancelled.

Before you leave, make certain all windows and doors are locked and appliances and utilities are turned off.

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