Car Rentals ? Surefire Ways of Protecting Your Rented Vehicle from Burglary

| Friday, February 22, 2013
By Ethan Wilson

Depending on your itinerary, personal preferences, and needs, you may want to rent a car. Whether you are on luxurious or cheap holidays in Spain 2013, you may find renting a car more convenient than riding public transportation. You may think it really expensive, but it has benefits to offer, too. This way, you're able to travel more privately, and you can get to places in a jiffy.

But, an unguarded car and all the valuable items inside it are tempting targets for thieves. Thus, it would be wise to keep your eyes on the car at all times. Unfortunately, this is not the case since you have to leave the automobile when you visit a restaurant to have lunch, go to an office for a business appointment, or go to an attraction to take photos. Therefore, how do you keep your rented car secured? Check out some of these tips as provided by Independent Traveller.

1. Keep valuables out of sight.

Before reaching the hotel, valet queue, office parking space, or any other destination, make sure you have already concealed your stuff. There are plenty of spaces in your car which you can put items that you don't want to be shown: the glove compartment, behind the back seat, under the seat, even under the seat covers. If you get out of the car, take your valuables, and put them in the trunk, you are actually broadcasting to any thief watching in the shadows where you placed your things.

2. Avoid unloading your stuff in public places.

Get your things out beforehand and put them on the seat beside you or at the back seat. This way, it'll be more accessible to you when you get to the place where you're going to. You will only be calling attention to yourself if you unload at your destination.

3. Choose parking areas carefully.

Choose well-lighted areas and where foot traffic is heavy. The presence of a lot of people and authorities discourages potential burglars from breaking in your car. Hence, it is a good idea to park in areas where it's not secluded. If you are forced to park on the street, pull over within sight of a busy establishment, beneath a street lamp, or around a busy corner.

4. Use a parking garage.

Burglars hound the streets and all other public places. If you are unsure about safety, you may wish to put your car in a parking garage. These are considerably safer as there are guards posted in these bays. However, such places are not invulnerable to thievery. It would still be advisable to take along your expensive stuff with you.

5. No to valet parking

Attendants and valets are generally honest and respectable people. However, in some places where poverty is rampant, they might give in to the temptation. It would be better then to park your cark yourself, if at all possible.

6. Renting wisely is the best protection against car theft.

When choosing a car to rent, choose a nondescript model; the more modest it is, the less likely it is going to attract the attention of would-be burglars.

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