College Application Counseling For Students

| Saturday, October 5, 2013
By Rhea Solomon

High School students who are trying to navigate through the many post secondary options might benefit from some college application counseling. The process for choosing a higher education setting can be confusing and overwhelming. In order for each student to make the best choice for them, they must consider a variety of factors including academic programs, cost, location and personal fit.

Post secondary planning specialists can be useful to individuals who want help navigating the waters of higher education. This person can ensure that the student's desires, and not only the desires of the parents, are met. While often the student is financially bound to their parents, it is important that parents understand that the bulk of the decision should be placed on the student.

One of the most important factors to consider for students when looking for higher education institutions to apply to is the academic programs that the institution has to offer. A person who is advising a student will often tell that student that while it is not necessary to know exactly what they want to do for the rest of their lives, it is important to know what they like to do. This way, if they change their mind they will have many other options to choose.

The free application for federal student aid, or FAFSA, is a valuable tool when deciding on what the student can afford. This government application is free and will help the family calculate what their financial contribution is against what the cost of college is. The FAFSA will award grants, scholarships and loans and can help to make education affordable for everyone.

The location of the college is extremely important when considering fit. Every person has predetermined qualifications for their own happiness. Whether that be a big city or a small town, students should feel at ease on and off campus.

One of the most important considerations is that of fit. It is extremely important for students to visit campus so that they can get a sense of how they feel. Many times what students think will be a great fit turns out to be a bad match once they get to campus.

Once the student has done some research they will need to fill out the application. This can be done mostly online and will usually require an essay, one to three letters of recommendation, transcripts and standardized test scores. Colleges often have a minimum grade point average that they are looking for when admitting students.

Post secondary planning can be overwhelming, which is why many seek college application counseling to help ease the process. Students will want to take into consideration academic programs, finances and fit when choosing a college. Being mindful of deadlines and fees is important to ensure that all material gets submitted on time. Researching internship and job placement possibilities can also be beneficial when selecting a higher education institution.

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