Answers To Common Questions About Safe Grease Disposal NY Homemakers Have

| Sunday, January 14, 2018
By John Nelson

When young people first set up house, they may not have a lot of homemaker skills. Some parents make a point of teaching their children what they need to know to keep from incurring outrageous plumbing bills. This usually includes leaving faucets dripping when the temperature dips down into the twenties and not flushing cat litter down the toilet, no matter what the manufacturer says. Suggestions for safe grease disposal NY plumbers offer will also save money.

One of the most common questions plumbers get is why you can't just pour liquid greases down the drain. It can seem to some that, because it's still liquid, it will go right down without causing problems. Plumbers will tell you that if it doesn't back up in your house, it can back up at the street or at the storm drain down the street. It can cause sewage to back up in your house making it an environmental and health hazard. It will pollute creeks and streams.

There are questions about washing greases down a drain with hot water and detergent or putting it into the disposal. Disposals aren't designed to eliminate greases, or do any better job than the regular drain. Hot water cools fairly rapidly in pipes allowing greases to cool and harden and clog your system. Dish detergents that are supposed to have grease cutting capabilities only delay the clogging.

Since you can't pour the greases and oils into the drainage system at all, pouring it into a trash can seems to some like the obvious alternative. If you have a little grease, you can put it in an airtight container and put it in the trash. Pouring it directly into the trash can cause problems on garbage trucks or at the disposal site if and when the bag leaks or breaks.

It is totally acceptable to recycle used cooking grease and oil. You might have to contact the drop off center to see how to package it, and you may have to actually drive to the center to recycle the greases. Eventually they will be used for feeding livestock and developing biodiesels.

A lot of cooks swear by used cooking greases, and use them in recipes all the time. They recommend pouring the used liquid into glass containers, securing the lids, and placing it in the refrigerator. They believe these oils added extra flavor.

Some people think oil is oil, and you can mix all kinds together when you are recycling. Experts say this is not true. If you mix motor oil with cooking oil, the centers can't use it because of contamination. If you want to recycle both oils, you have to keep them separate.

The best ways to dispose of waste after cooking can be confusing, especially for young and inexperienced homemakers. You don't want to learn expensive lessons from the plumber unclogging your pipes. Erring on the side of caution by asking an experienced cook is the best option.

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