Software For Your Presentation Needs

| Wednesday, April 6, 2011
By Michael David

What is the best presentation software for you? This is in some respects a difficult question. It means you have to consider how confident you are with computer programs. It also means considering who your presentation is aimed at and what is appropriate for that particular audience.

If for example you are making a sales proposal it is important to bear in mind the audience you are talking to. If you need to keep people engaged you might want to include amusing pictures or videos, especially if it is for a younger audience. However this may not always be appropriate, especially in a corporate setting. Professional writers often use the acronym MAP to illustrate this.

Whether talking to children or making a sales presentation the key thing is to keep them engaged an interested in what you have to offer. Graphs, pictures and animation will all help to keep the attention and ensure they leave knowing more than what they started with.

However this is useless if people cannot read the key information. Make sure that the text is clear, preferably using a simple font such as Times New Roman. The font should be around 24 to 30 points in size so that people can clearly take notes from it. The most important information should be at the top so that people will be able to read it from the back.

There are also certain practical considerations. You should make sure any important information is at the top of the slide so that it is easy to read. It should be in a clear font such as Times New Roman and be around 25 to 30 points in length. People are likely to want to take notes so it should be as easy for them to read as possible.

Like any talk you should keep it short and relevant, carefully timing it to ensure that it has all the correct information in the right places. Too many slides can overwhelm people and they may not be able to keep up their interest. Bear in mind that you will be talking at the same time and you want people to be able to equally divide their attention.

Like any form of work, practise will help make sure you get the most from it. Most software packages should come with a tutorial or you can check a video demonstration online to help you when first learning how to use it. However most of the programs work in a similar way to standard desktop programs so it should not be too difficult. Find someone to do a mock presentation to so you can feel confident when it comes to the real thing.

When using presentation software check online to see what is available. There are some available for free. However other paid for versions may have more features that may be more suitable for one type of talk rather than another. Check comparison reviews online to find the best ones for your individual needs.

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