Are Wooden Sash Windows Or Plastic Windows Preferred By Clients?

| Saturday, December 10, 2011
By Lisa Joy Allen

Debating the question - Wooden sash windows or plastic windows which option gives a better impression in an office environment? - is subjective, of course. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, there is no denying that wooden windows, being more traditional, give an impression of solid worth that plastic has a hard time matching. Even the best plastic blinds are... Imitation wood.

The winning team in this debate will have to convincingly argue that the material they support is superior in the perception of the clients who will come to the office. So let us see what arguments may be made.

As for the marketplace, wood costs more than plastic in any application. Perception is that wood is more valuable. You rarely if ever see 'hard plastic floors throughout' in a real estate listing, do you? If the floors - or the windows - are plastic, no one advertises the fact.

Wood is politically correct. Your windows can be made of yellow pine dredged off the bottom of a river - what could be more thrifty? Walnut trees can be grown as a resource, and if you buy windows made out of them, the tree farmer can send his kids to college. If, heaven forbid, your wooden windows end up in the landfill, they will biodegrade.

Wood is beautiful. Wood has class. Wood shows that you can afford to install it and maintain it, and have enough taste to want it. Wood is historically important, and is found in all the best families. Wood is in. So if your office is made of wood, it is by association worth spending money on and is inhabited by people who intend to stay around for a long time, who care about the environment, and who have a sense of style. Wooden windows will go along with the wooden desks, the heavy wooden doors, the wooden bookshelves, and the wooden furniture. All the metal and plastic components are in the filing room and the copy center.

Think of the door to the office. There are plastic doors, but no one wants a lightweight, hollow sounding portal when it is opened to welcome a client. The client will admittedly not be opening the windows, but the wooden frames and sills will be just as much part of the picture as the drapes that will undoubtedly frame them.

If wood works so well for office furniture and floors, why would any other material be suitable for the windows of your office? Wooden sash windows or plastic windows which option gives a better impression in an office environment? No contest.

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