Reasons You Should Opt For Sash Window Restoration And Renovation In London

| Saturday, January 5, 2013
By Andrew Brentford

If you live in an older house - one hundred years or better - you may appreciate this observation. "Fewer than half of those people living in houses with old windows have ever experienced them working the way they were intended." This, from a window repair and restoration company that specializes in sash window repairs. Sash window restoration and renovation in London has, of late, become a booming business.

Consider this. New, modern vinyl windows with thermal-pane, low-E glass are touted by their suppliers as the latest and the greatest. You've probably seen some of their advertisements. It seems they would have you believe that replacing your old windows is the only answer, but that's not true and newer isn't always better.

Consider this. Wood is one of the best insulators ever, and wood windows are, in fact, very efficient. In reality, an older wood window, when used together with a standard storm window, will provide MORE energy efficiency than the newer double-glazed models. And they look so much more classic and appropriate on an older house.

In most cases, an older wood window that's not working properly doesn't need to be replaced... It may only need a little TLC. Sometimes, the fix is as easy as scraping away some excess paint. In other instances, it may just take changing out the old ropes (to copper chain), installing some weather-stripping and performing a little cosmetic work.

The windows that were initially installed when your home was erected have already lasted a long time. With just a bit of tender loving care they could probably last that long again. How long do you think a new plastic framed window will last? And, as far as style, there is no comparison.

It's important to contact a professional who specializes in old window repair to do your work. Not just any carpenter will do. Hire a specialist who makes his living doing old window restorations. You should find one of them. They're out there.

Successful sash window restoration and renovation in London can alleviate all the problems and bring the windows back to what they were originally. Your windows should open, close and lock with minimal effort. They should be the way they were meant to be, and they can.

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