What are the Top Indoor Lighting Options?

| Thursday, October 13, 2011
By Alana Vaughn

There are so many different indoor lighting options available, how do you know which of those options is best for your home? There are plenty of options for narrowing down your choices. The truth is that the lights you use to illuminate your home says a lot about you and who you (and your family) are.

Don't let yourself pick indiscriminately! There are so many better choices for you! How do you know which one, out of all that are available, are best for you and for your family? These are some things that you need to think about when you start to put together the lighting plan for your house.

What will the purpose be of each room? Whatever the room's main function is will be a major determining factor for your lighting selection. An artist's studio, for example, will need completely different lighting than if it were being utilized as a sitting room or a den. However the room will be used will assist you in deciding on how to illuminate the room. Using the same example, in order for the artist to see what it is he or she is working on, they require a lot of bright white light. An office, on the other hand, will need a desk lamp, some sort of light to make it easy to see the whole room (maybe an overhead or a floor lamp) and lights for other spot areas-maybe near a reading chair.

Don't forget about the rest of your house's decorating scheme if you are trying to figure out your indoor lighting options. The simple fact is that there are a lot of different lighting choices and it will be easier to decide if you follow your existing decorating scheme. A house that creates little pockets of different moods won't be helped at all by big diffuse lights. You should use smaller lamps in these areas to focus your attention. You can even use your decorating scheme to help you choose the lights in your kitchen. Use track lights for your kitchen if the rest of your home has been decorated in soft tones (fluorescent bulbs won't match as well).

Choosing your own interior lighting options is challenging. It did not use to be quite so hard to figure out a lighting plan for your house. Your main options used to be a lamps or overhead lights. You could buy fluorescent bulbs or incandescent bulbs. White light was your only choice. Today there are dozens of different options available for those who don't want to be forced to choose one or the other. Of course, trying to decide which option is best can be difficult. Take some time to think about all of the options before you build your plan and start shopping. Your bank account will stay fat this way.

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