Comparing Double-Glazed Sash Windows Vs Single-Glazed Windows

| Sunday, July 10, 2011
By Chris Burrows

Replacing the windows in a home can be an expensive investment. However, it can not only increase the value of your home, but provide you with energy savings and a more comfortable living space. When you are comparing double glazed sash windows to single glazed windows, it will be helpful to find out what the building regulations in your area are before you begin. The local planning office will have the specific details regarding new and replacement windows that are required for your area.


The initial cost of single glazed windows is usually much less than dual-pane windows. In addition, repair of single glazed windows is less than replacing 2 panes of glass when the more expensive window breaks. However, this is where your savings ends. Over the long-term the cost in heating your home will far outweigh the initial cost of installing double glazed windows.


When 2 panes of glass are separated by non-metallic spacers, they have air or gas introduced between the glass. The gas may be Xenon, Krypton or Argon depending of the energy efficiency desired. The dual-panes are sealed within a frame that prevents air from leaking into the room, reduces condensation in the window and eliminates noise from out of doors.

When you are looking at dual-pane windows, you will see an energy efficiency rating. A rating of A means that the window meets stringent standards for energy efficiency and will provide you with the greatest level of comfort in your home. The rating is based on whether air can leak in or around the window, how sunlight will travel through the glass, and the level of heat that passes through the glass.

Single glazed glass are made with a single pane of glass which may be clear or tinted. These windows do not have the capability of the dual pane windows to prevent heat from passing through the glass. When a person chooses tinted single windows, they prevent some heat from entering the room, but also prevent some light from entering as well.


After determining the regulations for replacement or new windows in your area with the local planning office, you will want to think about the areas in your home that you will be having the windows installed. There are some areas in a home where single pane-glass windows will be fine and will not impact your energy bills.

However, when you are replacing windows in your main living quarters, having dual-pane sash windows can make a significant difference in your energy costs, the noise levels in your home and the comfort of your home. As an example, an individual who recently replaced the single paned windows in their 196 sq meter home realized an immediate reduction of over 1/2 in their energy costs, a significant reduction in noise levels from the outside, and even warmth throughout the home with no draughts or cold spots.

Talking to a professional who has experience window styles and designs be helpful. They will provide you with details and information about the most cost effective choice that will meet your needs and requirements when you are comparing double glazed sash windows to single glazed windows.

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